发布于 2017-04-05 00:01:30 | 178 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Spring AMQP 消息解决方案
Spring AMQP 是基于 Spring 框架的 AMQP 消息解决方案,提供模板化的发送和接收消息的抽象层,提供基于消息驱动的 POJO。同时有 Java 和 .NET 的版本。
Spring AMQP 2.0.0.M3 发布了,包括一系列 bug 修复和一些新特性。
Initial support for broker-less integration testing - the TestRabbitTemplate
discovers listener containers in the application context and invokes those containers' listeners for send()
and sendAndReceive()
operations. We intend to flush out this capability with more features before GA, including routing, and simulation of the various exchange types supported by RabbitMQ. Feedback is welcome.
Rollback with an external transaction manager is now consistent with local transactions.
The 4.1.x amqp-client
library is now the default.
The RabbitTemplate
now has an invoke()
method which allows multiple operations to be performed sequentially on the same channel. This also enables features such as waitForConfirmsOrDie()
provided by the underlying library, when sending multiple messages to the same channel.
message properties are no longer included in toString()
which makes debug logs easier to read.
annotations now support multiple routing keys, and support custom exchange types.
关于 2.0 版本的更新信息, 还可以浏览 2.0.0.M1 、 2.0.0.M2, 以及 2.0.0.M3。