发布于 2017-04-04 00:28:34 | 224 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Highcharts 纯Javascript图表
Highcharts 5.0.10 发布了。Highcharts 是一个制作图表的纯 Javascript 类库。
Added !default
statement to SASS variables for easier configuration. Closes #6436.
Added new option, plotOptions.column.crisp, to allow disabling crisp columns and subsequent rendering issues with densely packed items. Closes #5755.
Added new option, findNearestPointBy to declare how the tooltip searches for points. #6231.
Refactored the Pane object to keep track of its own backgrounds, more decoupled from Axis.
Bug 修复
Fixed #3481, title and subtitle were not resizing chart correctly when using useHTML on true.
Fixed #3936, colorAxis
was not updated through chart.update
Fixed #4964, missing plotband when small range.
Fixed #6007, exporting after chart.update()
threw errors.
Fixed #6144, empty categories caused wrong render of tooltip.
Fixed #6191, dead clip path references.
Fixed #6203, yAxis extremes were wrong calculated for visible scatter points
Fixed #6258, text labels with ellipsis had inconsistent behavior.
Fixed #6279, error when hiding series of line polar using data module.
Fixed #6359, softMin/softMax didn't work in combination with floor/ceiling.
Fixed #6430, areasplinerange polar curve path was wrongly rendered.
Fixed #6431, addition to #6476, stickyTracking should default to true when there is a shared tooltip.
Fixed #6433, updating Axis with plotBands rendered redundant nodes.
Fixed #6437, 3D pie chart disappeared when drilling down after resize.
Fixed #6444, exporting the second time failed with axis extremes.
Fixed #6449, series with noSharedTooltip was inaccessible with shared tooltip.
Fixed #6452, chart.update
was not redrawing axes when setting alignTicks to false.
Fixed #6456, tooltip didn't show on hovering outside candlestick and OHLC series.
Fixed #6458, named color deduction was case sensitive.
Fixed #6459, colors of boxplot series points would not update.
Fixed #6463, missing closing sign in RegEx caused wrong handling of pseudo attributes.
Fixed #6465, first data label in polar charts was not visible.
Fixed #6469, series got lost when mixing category data in a dual axis chart.
Fixed #6470, exporting failed in IE8 when data labels were enabled.
Fixed #6473, wrong text wrapping with textOutline: none
Fixed #6474, custom CSS property was injected into the DOM. Added to blacklist.
Fixed #6474, text outlines were not properly cleaned up on resizing.
Fixed #6476, shared tooltip with disabled stickyTracking did not work.
Fixed #6477, regression on crosshairs with snap in a bubble chart.
Fixed #6479, responsive rules didn't apply to panes.
Fixed #6481, offline export of pie charts to PDF not working in Firefox and Safari.
Fixed #6487, contrast color was not applied for a justified label on a column.
Fixed #6497, horizontal legend layout didn't respect spacing setting.
Fixed #6499, offline export fails with allowHTML despite no HTML in chart.
Fixed #6502, missing chart series and axis in combined logarithmic chart.
Fixed #6518, wrong marker positions when hovering after redrawing in boost module.
Fixed #6519, empty space caused overlapping in legend.
Fixed #6521, missing label for narrow plot band.
Fixed #6089, chart.update not taking effect on panes. Also closes #6438.