发布于 2017-04-01 21:59:52 | 179 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Material UI CSS 框架
Material UI 是一套实现了 Google 的 Material Design 全新设计语言的 CSS 框架。Material UI 提供了 npm 包的形式,
Material UI 是一组实现 Google Material Design 规范的 react 组件,是一个前端 js 框架,主要用在 web 领域。
Material UI 1.0.0 alpha9 的发布,也意味着距离 1.0 正式版越来越近。更新内容如下:
Component Fixes / Enhancements
[Tab] Add labelClassName property
[test] Fix absolute path in createShallow
[material-ui-icons] Reinstate README and update scripts, update installation.md
[Input] Add test for focus()
[Input] Add test for componentDidMount()
[RadioGroup] Add tests for edge cases
[RadioGroup] Add missing teardown in test
[Ripple] Add a new test for the unmount logic
[docs] Add API menu and demo button
[docs] Link to the Collapse documentation
[docs] Fix api.md indentation
[core] Upgrade the dev dependencies
[test] Takes the Menu as an example in the test documentation
[Layout] Extract requireProp to utils