发布于 2017-03-28 00:28:01 | 89 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Buildr Java项目构建工具
Apache Buildr,也是一个面向Java项目的构建工具,它提供了对包括Scala、Groovy和其它可运行于JVM的语言的支持。Apache Buildr的设计理念就是简单和直观。
Apache Buildr 1.5.1 发布了,更新内容如下:
Change: In the 'buildr/git_auto_version' addon strip out any versions that start with a 'v' character as most projects on git repositories prefix version tags with a "v" to avoid collisions with any branchs named after the version which are typically without the "v" character.
Fixed: GWT Addon: The GWT project publishes invalid jars that can not be included on source path when the javadoc tool is executing. Work around this issue in GWT by removing them from the documentation class path.
Change: IDEA: Change the ordering of dependencies in the IDE module descriptor such that test dependencies are first to allow test dependencies to override/shadow compile dependencies.
Fixed: IDEA: Correctly configure the IDE module if the language level differs from the root project language level.
Change: Add css2gss task to gwt addon to support conveting from deprecated css syntax to modern gss syntax.
Change: Add support for gwt 2.8.0 to gwt addon.
Change: Remove orderedhash gem.
Change: Update jruby-openssl to 0.9.17
Change: Move hoe to the development dependencies
Fixed: BUILDR-728 Snapshots metadata incorrectly created
Fixed: BUILDR-718 Deprecate SVN repository - remove links to SVN
Change: BUILDR-724 Use scalamain to call scala projects
Change: BUILDR-719 Change User-Agent when uploading artifacts
Change: Set the OPEN_IN_BROWSER to false when building idea launch targets via add_glassfish_remote_configuration.
Change: BUILDR-709 Integrate `buildr/custom_pom` into core and just make it the default
pom generated.
Fixed: BUILDR-563 protobuf addon including source directories to protoc breaks build