发布于 2017-03-27 23:52:55 | 144 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Rsyslog 多线程 syslogd 版本
Rsyslog 是一个 syslogd 的多线程增强版。它提供了MySQL和完全可配置的输出格式(包括大时间戳)的支持。
RSyslog Windows Agent 4.1 发布了.
如果已启用,Rsyslog Windows Agent 现在可以自动重新启动它的配置(首先由配置客户端自动完成)。无需手动重启服务。
性能增强选项已添加到 EventLog Monitor V1 和 V2,以及文件监视器中以延迟将最后一个记录/文件位置写回磁盘。 这可以在具有非常高的事件日志或文件加载的机器上提高性能。
Build-IDs: Service, Client
Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.2k.
Configuration Reload: This is a big new core feature allowing the
service to reload itself automatically after a configuration changed has
been detected. The feature can be turned off in General-General Options if
this new behavior is not wanted. By default auto reload will be enabled.
The latest Configuration Client is required for the feature to fully work.
EventLog Monitor V2: Added new options to delay LastRecord save.
Enabling this option will improve processing performance of machines with
a high event volume.
EventLog Monitor V1: Added new option to delay LastRecord save. Enabling
this option will improve processing performance of machines with a high
event volume.
File Monitor: Added new option to delay LastFilePosition save. Enabling
this option will improve processing performance when processing large
growing files.
FileConfig: Changed datafile saving method, more reliable when the
service is stopped unintentionally while updating data state files.
Send Syslog Action: Added new option to enable/disable UTF8 BOM. Default
is enabled like before, but it can be disabled now by configuration so the
message won’t contain the UTF8 BOM.
Property Engine: Fixed SystemID and CustomerID properties.v
FileConfig: Due a missing property (FilterVersion), some of the global
conditions in rule filters could not be used. This automatically fixes
itself next time the configuration is saved with the Client.
Debug Logging: Completely rewritten debug output for Rule Engine
(Filters) for better readability and analysis.
Fixed an compatibility issue on Windows 2003/XP (failed to start because
WSAPoll API is missing).
FileConfig: Fixed an issue with invalid linefeeds when using includefile
FileConfig: Fixed EnumRegkey emulation causing EventLog Monitor Services
to load invalid eventlog channels.
Debug Logging: Moved RELP Debugging from minimal to internal
FileMonitor: Fixed issue rewriting filepointer updates each time when
wildcards support was enabled.