发布于 2017-03-23 00:21:25 | 129 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ionic HTML5 移动应用框架
ionic 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。
Ionic 2.3.0 发布了,本次更新内容较多,看到还有对 IE 进行支持的改进。详细如下:
datetime: don't always disable day values when dayValues is set (eff420f)
datetime: move the call to picker.refresh() in generate (58beea3)
datetime: respect time limits in hours and minutes (afd99ba), closes #6850
datetime: update selectedIndex according to ngModel value (74191c3)
infinite-scroll: add event.timeStamp polyfill for firefox (#10752) (53feb3f)
picker: initialize the selectionIndex (ba35306)
range: update the bar width correctly (b541832), closes #10150
range: only activate knob B if range is dual (d538245)
scroll-view: do not set initialized until it is enabled (#10817) (56364a0)
searchbar: add IE support (05859db)
select: make floating labels work for ion-select (8c483f2), closes #10751
slides: fix rtl support (e90d692)
slides: simulate touch events for query params (#10579) (e191321), closes #10577
toggle/checkbox: trigger ui update when using virtalScroll with Angular Reactive Forms (30980b6)
virtual-list: make virtual-scroll work with infinite-scroll (999efac), closes #9350 #9722 #9247 #10778
virtualscroll: populate the nodes at the correct height (51c398d)
alert: add attributes min & max to alert inputs (d666e8b)
alert: add attributes min & max to alert inputs of type number (b53219a)
infinite: add scroll in opposite direction (#8099) (6918275)
infinite-scroll: add waitFor
method to InfiniteScroll (84e25a1)
overlay: add method chaining pattern to configure overlays (bee75f7)
split-pane: support for side=right (963cdcb)
content: scrollview magic 动态激活 (7e9bad5)