发布于 2017-03-21 08:59:16 | 240 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Cacti 网络流量监测图形分析工具
Cacti 1.1.0 发布了。
issue#337: Generic SNMP OID Graph Template damanged
issue#338: Extremely slow new graph/DS creation
issue#353: Broadcast & Multicast Packet counters missing
issue#376: Structured RRD path permission issues
issue#389: Manual template based graph creation not working
issue#407: The RRDfile does not exist message is misleading
issue#410: Select character data was interpreted as hex by cacti_snmp_walk()
issue#422: additional issues with LDAP authentication
issue#424: Automation does not discover devices w/o resolvable hostnames
issue#427: undefined index TotalVisibleMemorySize on FreeBSD
issue#432: SpikeKill menu wonky on Paw Theme
issue#434: password_verify not compatible in php5.4-
issue#435: urlPath missing from paw theme links
issue#436: Restricted user does not see graphs in tree view
issue#443: Allow remote_agent.php through a NAT
issue#446: No local admin when using multiple LDAP configuration
issue#447: Creating another non data query graph from same template reuses first data source
issue#449: exec_poll_php does not flush pipes when using script server
issue#450: Graph list view - No Graphs Found
issue: Improve email test exception errors and change default timeout to 10 seconds
issue: When on links page, breadcrumbs would become corrupted
issue: When upgrading from any version of Cacti to 1.0.5, SQL's relative to poller_reindex might appear
issue: Color page performance poor
issue: The Device dropdown on the Graph View page was unreliable
issue: Aggregate and non-Device Graphs in list view had not Device or Title description
issue: Re-engineer back button design to accomocate ajax and native navigation
issue: Make Graph Template filter wider
issue: Resolve some visual issues in Classic theme
feature: Add page refresh API to make page refreshing in Ajax easier to accomplish
feature: Update fontawesome to version 4.7
feature: Use fontawesome glyphs for menu items
feature: Support multiple column sort in table library
feature: Add glyphs to main Cacti console menu