发布于 2017-03-17 23:31:39 | 188 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Akka Actor模型开发库
Akka 是一个用 Scala 编写的库,用于简化编写容错的、高可伸缩性的 Java 和 Scala 的 Actor 模型应用。
Akka 2.5.0-RC1 发布了。自从 Akka 2.4.0(18 个月前)发布以来,我们已经为 2.4.x 版本系列增加了许多新功能,包括 Akka Streams 和 HTTP。但像以前一样,总会有一些变更不能在补丁版本中实现,因此 Akka 2.5 诞生了。其中的一个变化是将一些实验模块推广到完全稳定的模块,并在宣布它们稳定之前加入一些 API 改进。
2.5.0-RC1 版本的主要特性:
The Java API for AbstractActor was promoted to fully stable API. While doing this we made some small, yet important, improvements to the API that will require some mechanical changes of your source code.Thanks to @ortigali for help.
Faster and more flexible Akka Streams materializer, which matters for short lived streams, such as HTTP requests.
Distributed Data was promoted to a fully stable module. Several improvements were also included, such as:
Support for delta-CRDTs in Distributed Data to reduce the amount of data that is replicated, thanks to help from @gosubpl.
Generic type for the key in Distributed Data ORMap, thanks to @jgordijn
Coordinated shutdown to facilitate ordered stopping of actors and services and perform registered tasks during the shutdown process. This greatly simplifies tasks involved in graceful leaving of Akka Cluster.
Support remembering entities in Cluster Sharding with the Distributed Data (ddata) mode. ddata is now also the default mode for Cluster Sharding.
New Java API for Testkit taking advantage of lambas, thanks to @Hawstein
Fix performance regression for Scala 2.12, due to change in scheduling fairness of the JDK8 ForkJoinPool implementation
We added @ApiMayChange and other annotations which can be used to mark experimental API inside stable modules, primarily for use in Akka HTTP. API improvements of Akka Typed, including Java API