发布于 2017-03-17 04:24:49 | 275 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Hibernate 开源对象关系映射框架 ORM

Hibernate是一个开放源代码的对象关系映射框架,它对JDBC进行了非常轻量级的对象封装,使得Java程序员可以随心所欲的使用对象编程思维来操纵数据库。 Hibernate可以应用在任何使用JDBC的场合,既可以在Java的客户端程序使用,也可以在Servlet/JSP的Web应用中使用,最具革命意义的是,Hibernate可以在应用EJB的J2EE架构中取代CMP,完成数据持久化的重任。

Hibernate 5.2.9 发布了。



  • [HHH-9114] - @IdClass with @MappedSuperclass results in "property not found"

  • [HHH-11372] - Do not send RemoveExpiredCommands in repl/dist caches

  • [HHH-11373] - Silence lock acquisition failures on remote nodes

  • [HHH-11381] - In nonstrict mode, putFromLoad after evict can behave incorrectly

  • [HHH-11397] - Query parameter binding validation issue

  • [HHH-11470] - Schema update should not try to query sequences for Dialects not supporting them (DB2400Dialect, DerbyDialect, DB2390Dialect)

  • [HHH-11477] - HQL query against field marked with @Lob fails on PostgreSQL

  • [HHH-11502] - XML Mapped Entity with a ManyToOne association to a Annotation Mapped Entity -> NullPointerException

  • [HHH-11503] - LimitHandler parameter binding fails on SQL Server 2012

  • [HHH-11506] - Lazy properties are not updated on bytecode-enhanced entity if not all lazy properties (e.g. collections) are initialized

  • [HHH-11510] - NativeQuery#iterate throws QuerySyntaxException instead of UnsupportedOperationException

  • [HHH-11511] - QuerySyntaxException when sorting by a column using a JPQL reserved keyword

  • [HHH-11516] - Level two cache may not be enabled when using @Cacheable without/instead of @Cache

  • [HHH-11529] - Getting NullPointerException from ScanningCoordinator debug log

  • [HHH-11536] - Fix unit tests failing on Oracle

  • [HHH-11538] - Redundant left outer joins in generated SQL

  • [HHH-11540] - Metamodel does not include embeddable type used in type variables

  • [HHH-11545] - ForeignKey definition of @CollectionTable isn't properly used

  • [HHH-11547] - Misspelling in documentation

  • [HHH-11549] - Unable to locate MappedSuperclass version attribute when mixing annotations with hibernate mapping files

  • [HHH-11554] - Inherited interfaces are not considered when creating EntityMetamodel

  • [HHH-11555] - AbstractSharedSessionContract doesn't restore ExceptionConverter after de-serialization

  • [HHH-11559] - Fix tests catching exceptions without re-throwing them

  • [HHH-11560] - Envers throws a MappingException for Lob + ElementCollection for non-audited properties.

  • [HHH-11570] - Hibernate Envers listeners fail because EntityManager is closed when using JPA/JTA/Hibernate 5.2.8/Envers


  • [HHH-11089] - Naming Strategy Does not affect the user-specified index/foreign-key names

  • [HHH-11143] - Log a warning if @Cache / @Cacheable specified on non-root entities

  • [HHH-11473] - Refactor MySQL Dialects

  • [HHH-11509] - Infomix limit handler support for offset

  • [HHH-11518] - Log4DelegatingLogger slows down testsuite execution by formatting messages too eagerly

  • [HHH-11530] - IdentityGeneratorExtendsTest.testIdentifierGeneratorExtendsIdentityGenerator failing on Oracle DBs

  • [HHH-11551] - Forward IOException in ClassFileArchiveEntryHandler::toClassFile

  • [HHH-11558] - Envers Query API throws NullPointerException when providing a non-audited entity class.

  • [HHH-11563] - Avoid calling multiple times org.hibernate.mapping.Component#getComponentClass() during the PojoComponentTuplizer creation

  • [HHH-11564] - ThreadLocal access in ManagedSessionContext does not need synchronization

  • [HHH-11568] - Throw QueryException rather than antlr-specific exceptions when query parsing fails.


历史版本 :
Hibernate ORM 5.1.11.Final 发布,5.1 系列最后一个版本
Hibernate 5.0.16 发布,数据持久层框架
Hibernate ORM 5.1.10 和 5.0.15 发布
Hibernate ORM 5.1.8 发布,数据持久层框架
Hibernate 5.0.14 发布,数据持久层框架
Hibernate ORM 5.1.7 发布,数据持久层框架
Hibernate 5.1.6 发布,数据持久层框架
hibernate-orm 5.2.10 发布,第十个 bug 修复版本
Hibernate 5.0.13 发布,数据持久层框架
Hibernate 4.2.26.final 发布,数据持久层框架
Hibernate 5.2.9 发布,数据持久层框架
Hibernate 5.1.5 发布,数据持久层框架
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