发布于 2017-02-25 23:51:17 | 116 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Isis 领域驱动开发框架
Apache Isis是一个用于快速开发领域驱动应用的Java框架。用户可以将精力放在领域对象的开发上,Apache Isis则负责持久化、安全与用户界面。Apache Isis遵循六边架构模式,将领域模型置于中间位置,而表示、持久化与其他服务都依赖于领域模型。
Apache Isis 1.14.0 发布了
the ability to invoke actions with collection parameters (rendered by the Wicket viewer as a multi-select drop-down).
a number of metamodel validations intended to make it apps already in production easier to refactor (including a new objectType attribute for @DomainService)
improvements to EmailService so easier to use in system test (non-prod) environments
a new TableColumnOrderService to allow column order of parented collections to be fine-tuned.