发布于 2017-02-08 00:18:20 | 208 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
PureScript 静态类型语言
PureScript 是个小巧而强大的静态类型语言,可以编译成 JavaScript。purescript 主要是由 Haskell 和 PureScript 编写的。
PureScript 0.10.6 发布了,
Add support for user defined warnings via the Warn
type class
Support nested record update
Inline unsafePartial
Fail early when bind
is brought into scope inside do
Disallow polymorphic types in binders, preventing a crash
Rebuild modules if necessary when using --dump-corefn
should not be quoted
Generate JS static member accesses whenever possible
Require dependencies to exist during sorting phase
Fix inlining for negateInt
Fix object key quoting
Don't expand synonyms until after kind checking
Fix 'Unknown type index' on mismatch between class and instance argument counts
Style comment types differently
Return operators in psc-ide
imports list
Collect type class instances
Log failing to accept or parse an incoming command
Fix #2537
Fix #2504
Also detect location information for operators
Speeds up rebuilding by x2
Restructure testing to avoid running the server
Add modules for rendering HTML documentation
Fix psc-publish --dry-run
Fix failure to parse git tag date in psc-publish
Add git tag time to psc-publish
Remove Docs.Bookmarks
Combine inlining optimizations into a single pass
Use Map.foldlWithKey'
instead of foldl
Minor memory usage improvements in Language.PureScript.Docs
Generate data constructors without IIFEs
Add stack-ghc-8.0.2.yaml
Add HasCallStack
to internalError
Update psc-package
to use turtle 1.3
Remove JSAccessor
; replace with JSIndexer
Store more information in RenderedCode