发布于 2017-02-02 23:56:24 | 131 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Sentry
Apache Sentry 是一个加强的细粒度的基于角色的授权系统,针对存储在 Hadoop 集群中的数据和元数据。
Sentry 8.13.0 发布了。
Added individual filters for legacy browsers to improve customization of error filtering based on browser versions
Support for setting a custom security header for javascript fetching.
start using ReleaseProject and Release.organization instead of Release.project
Project quotas are no longer available, and must now be configured via the organizational rate limits.
Quotas implementation now requires a tuple of maximum rate and interval window.
Added security emails for adding and removing MFA and password changes.
Added the ability to download an apple compatible crash report for cocoa events.
Add memory and storage information for apple devices
The legacy API keys feature is now disabled by default.
Show Images Loaded section for cocoa events with version number.
Fixed bug where workflow notification subject may not include a custom email prefix.
Added configurable subject templates for individual alert emails (mail:subject_template
Added data migration to populate ReleaseProject.new_groups
Added support for managing newsletter subscriptions with Sentry.io
Schema Changes
Added ReleaseProject.new_groups
Added OrganizationAvatar
API Changes
Added avatar and avatarType to /organizations/{org}/
Provide commit and author information associated with a given release
Provide repository information for commits