发布于 2017-01-16 01:26:35 | 227 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


JavaMelody 系统监控工具

JavaMelody是一个系统监控工具 , 能够监测Java或Java EE应用程序服务器,并以图表的方式显示:Java内存和Java CPU使用情况,用户Session数量,JDBC连接数,和http请求、sql请求、jsp页面与业务接口方法(EJB3、Spring、 Guice)的执行数量,平均执行时间,错误百分比等。图表可以按天,周,月,年或自定义时间段查看。

JavaMelody v1.63.0 发布了。主要更新如下:

  • Fix Liferay plugin compatibility issue 5: Javamelody breaks web content edition, since Liferay 6.2 CE GA5 and EE SP13 and issue 6: since Liferay 6.2 EE SP15, error "Please select a valid change frequency" when editing a web content. (Fixed in 1.62.1)

  • Sonar v6.1 released on October 13, 2016 is known to be incompatible with the Sonar plugin. There is PR 1305 in Sonar to fix this issue. (Merged and released in Sonar v6.2).

  • When using JPA Criteria API with Hibernate or EclipseLink, fix JPA requests names like CriteriaQueryImpl@3b0cc2d (e60df91, with help from Christoph Linder who is at the origin of this change and this page from Antonio Goncalves). For example, when using Hibernate, it will display JPQL instead, but still waiting Hibernate to implement CriteriaQueryImpl.toString().

  • Refactored JPA code to make it more clear (thanks to Christoph Linder).

  • fix issue 592: some file handles may be left open when having frequent undeploy / redeploy.

  • fix issue 594 and issue 596: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in the reports and jdbc datasource not monitored, when using Paraya server (thanks to Thomas Kernstock).

  • added: /* BATCH */ prefix in batch sql requests to discern that in this case 1 hit is for a whole batch (44bc752).

  • added: configuration to be able to use forward instead of include in CustomResourceFilter (PR 599 thanks to James Pether Sörling for issue 597 using Vaadin).

  • added: check for updated version of javamelody. If a new version is available, a message is now displayed at the top of the report to notify about the new version. For that, javamelody pings the server javamelody.org. And to better understand javamelody users, anonymous data such as java version and OS is sent to that server at the same time. An example of the data sent is: {uniqueId="3d117c04b914c78ddbaf14818c404c8e88c6e56f", serverInfo="Apache Tomcat/8.5.9", javamelodyVersion="1.63.0", applicationType="Classic", javaVersion="Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment, 1.8.0_111-b14", jvmVersion="Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 25.111-b14, mixed mode", maxMemory="1024", availableProcessors="4", os="Windows 7, Service Pack 1, amd64/64", databases="", countersUsed="http|sql|error|log", parametersUsed="log", featuresUsed="pdf", locale="fr_FR", usersMean=1, collectorApplications=-1}.

  • Usage stats based on the anonymous data will be publicly available at http://javamelody.org/usage/stats for applications using JavaMelody v1.63 or later and able to contact the server.

  • You may disable the update check with the javamelody parameter update-check-disabled=true in web.xml, in context or in system properties like the other javamelody parameters.

  • The online demo of javamelody is finally back. To see it, you can play a bit with this app (written by Benjamin Durand some years ago) to be sure to have some data in http and sql statistics, then open the monitoring page to explore the reports.



历史版本 :
JavaMelody 1.70.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody 1.69.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody 1.68.1 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody 1.68.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody v1.67.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.66.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.65.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.64.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.63.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.62.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.61.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.60.0 发布,系统监控平台
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