发布于 2017-01-07 23:54:44 | 147 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Weld JSR299的实现

Weld 是一个实现了 JSR-299 的框架。JSR 299 是 Java EE 6 中非常重要的部分

 Weld 3.0.0.Beta1 发布了,这是一个重要的里程碑。CDI 2现在被认为是“功能齐全”的,所以接下来的 Weld 3版本应该主要致力于清理和优化。下一个版本为 Weld 3.0.0.cr1 预计在一月中旬发布。并且我们希望在二月初发布 Weld 3.0.0.final。本次更新内容如下:


  • javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InterceptionFactory implementation (WELD-2257)

  • ProcessSyntheticObserverMethod container lifecycle event (WELD-2279)

  • BeforeDestroyed event fired before a context is actually destroyed (WELD-2269)

  • "trimmed" bean archives (WELD-2268)

  • context control - ActivateRequestContext interceptor binding (WELD-2267) and RequestContextController built-in bean (WELD-2266)

  • ProcessSyntheticBean container lifecycle event (WELD-2265)

  • few proposals did not make it into CDI 2.0 and so we enhanced the Weld API:

    • org.jboss.weld.inject.WeldInstance (already part of Weld 2.4 API)

    • org.jboss.weld.interceptor.WeldInvocationContext allows to obtain a set of interceptor bindings for a lifecycle callback, business method, timeout method, or constructor (see also CDI-468)

    • org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.event.WeldAfterBeanDiscovery allows to obtain an InterceptorConfigurator to configure a new Interceptor bean

WildFly 补丁:

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check Markus’s tutorial.

Download ] [ Documentation ] [ Release notes ]


历史版本 :
Weld 3.0.0.Beta1 发布,里程碑版本
Weld 2.3.5.Final 发布,Java 依赖注入框架
Weld 3.0.0.Alpha 16 发布,JSR-299 框架
Weld 2.3.4.Final 发布,Java 依赖注入框架
Weld 2.3.3.Final 发布,Java 依赖注入框架
Weld 3.0.0.Alpha15 发布,JSR-299 框架
Weld 2.3.2.Final 发布,CDI 规范实现
Weld 3.0.0.Alpha14 发布,CDI 规范实现
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