发布于 2017-01-07 15:59:20 | 79 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
OpenJPA JPA规范实现
OpenJPA 是 Apache 组织提供的开源项目,它实现了 EJB 3.0 中的 JPA 标准,为开发者提供功能强大、使用简单的持久化数据管理框架。OpenJPA 封装了和关系型数据库交互的操作,让开发者把注意力集中在编写业务逻辑上。OpenJPA 可以作为独立的持久层框架发挥作用,也可以轻松的与其它 Java EE 应用框架或者符合 EJB 3.0 标准的容器集成。
OpenJPA 2.4.2 发布了
bug 修复
[OPENJPA-2245] - NotSerializableException when using a remote QueryCache and the Criteria API
[OPENJPA-2631] - ClassCastException occurs when an equals comparison query is executed on an entity with an @EmbeddedId that contains more than one field.
[OPENJPA-2632] - select new not working if result class is not in same classloader
[OPENJPA-2636] - Custom plugins (e.g. JDBCListener, DBDictionary) can cause Classloader leaks.
[OPENJPA-2640] - Cannot use custom DBDictionary with Maven plugin
[OPENJPA-2650] - When SchemaFactory and useSchemaName=false is set, a schema name is incorrectly used.
[OPENJPA-2651] - IDs of entities are incorrectly assigned when @SqlResultSetMapping is used with inheritance and a ManyToOne relationship.
[OPENJPA-2672] - ConfigurationImpl.loadGlobals() has java.util.ConcurrentModificationException vulnerability
[OPENJPA-2674] - JarFile is not closed
[OPENJPA-2675] - Missing check for null parameter in equals()
[OPENJPA-2676] - openjpa relies on default locale
[OPENJPA-2684] - Persistence entities not recognized in Wildfly 10 if in a JAR
[OPENJPA-2660] - Resolve Maven warnings