发布于 2016-12-03 00:54:13 | 101 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Onyx 分布式计算系统
Onyx 是一个无中心、支持云、容错的分布式计算系统,使用 Clojure 编写,支持批处理和流处理混合,提供信息模型用于描述和构建分布式工作流,竞争对手: Storm, Cascading, Map/Reduce, Dryad, Apache Sqoop, Twitter Crane 等等
Onyx 0.9.15 发布了,该版本更新如下:
Feature: new :lifecycle/after-apply-fn
lifecycle has been added. This lifecycle is called after :onyx/fn
is applied, but before the batch is written.
Reduced number of dependencies.
Increase default publication creation timeout to 5000ms
Dependency change: Upgraded Aeron to 1.0.4
onyx-peer-http-query added important health checks for Aeron media driver status
Increase default :onyx.messaging/inbound-buffer-size
to 100000.
Reduced default core.async thread pool size to 16.
Reduced use of clojure.core.async/alts!!
to improve performance and reduce thread sharing.