发布于 2016-11-28 02:28:51 | 100 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
vim-go Vim 的 Go 开发插件
vim-go 是 Vim 的 Go 开发插件。
vim-go 1.11 发布了,更新如下:
Add statusline
support for :GoMetaLinter
Add new g:go_updatetime
setting to change the default updatetime (which was hardcoded previously) [gh-1055]
Quickfix and Location lists contain now a descriptive title [gh-1004]
Always use full path to detect packages to be shown in statusline [gh-1121]
Use echom
to persist errors in case of multiple echos [gh-1122]
Fix a race condition where a quickfix window was not closed if a job has succeeded [gh-1123]
Do not expand coverage arguments for non job execution of :GoCoverage
doesn't mess up custom syntax anymore [gh-1128]