发布于 2016-11-09 10:22:42 | 227 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Solr 企业级全文搜索引擎
Solr是一个独立的企业级搜索应用服务器,它对外提供类似于Web-service的API接口。用户可以通过http请求,向搜索引擎服务器提交一定格式的XML文件,生成索引;也可以通过Http Get操作提出查找请求,并得到XML格式的返回结果;
Apache Solr 6.3.0 发布了。
Optimize, store and deploy AI models in Solr
Ability to add custom streaming expressions
New streaming expressions such as "fetch", "executor", and "commit" added.
Parallel SQL accepts <, >, =, etc., symbols.
Support facet scoring with the scoreNodes expression
Retrieving docValues as stored values was sped up by using the proper leaf reader rather than ask for a global view. In extreme cases, this leads to a 100x speedup.