发布于 2016-11-07 00:26:00 | 74 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
NetworkManager 网络管理软件
NetworkManager 是一款旨在简化*nix系统网络管理的软件。
NetworkManager 1.5.2 发布了,该版本改进如下:
Introduced Vala bindings for libnm.
NetworkManager would now keep most connections up on shutdown (except Wi-Fi connections, VPN connections and other kinds that can't be assumed on startup)
The checkpoint/restore connection can now also remove new connections and disconnect devices that were activated since the checkpoint was taken.
The configuration is now read from /run/NetworkManager/conf.d as well.
This is useful for handing over configuration discovered on system startup to NetworkManager.
New connection.autoconnect_retries property that allows fine-tuning the autoconnect behavior.
Support for configuration and discovery of Web Proxy settings with PacRunner service.
Support for systemd-resolved local DNS forwarder backend.
Fix emission of NM-style PropertiesChanged signals and deprecate them for PropertiesChanged on "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" interface.
Change the meaning of unset "cloned-mac-address" settings from "permanent" to "preserve". This changes the default value and affects existing connections during upgrade that did not explicitly configure cloned-mac-address. This has the effect that externally configured MAC addresses are preserved by default instead of setting the permanent address (bgo#770611).