发布于 2016-10-30 00:24:46 | 111 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Derby 开源数据库管理系统
Apache Derby是Apache软件基金会所研发的开放源码数据库管理系统;由于Derby是一个纯Java程式,因此只需要操作系统支援Java虚拟机,Derby便可执行。
Apache Derby 发布了。
* Identity column definitions may now contain the CYCLE clause. The CYCLE clause controls what happens when the identity column exhausts,its range and wraps around.
* The new SYSCS_GET_DATABASE_NAME system function returns the canonicalized version of the current database name.
* The new rawDBReader tool can be used in various scenarios to recover some or all of the data from a severely corrupted database.
* The new SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE_BULK and SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA_BULK system procedures can be used to process input data files which contain one or more header lines at the start of the file.