发布于 2016-10-30 00:21:20 | 260 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Kodi XBOX媒体中心
Kodi (曾用名 XBMC)的全称是XBOX Media Center,顾名思义他就是XBOX平台的媒体中心。对于XBOX玩家来说如果没有安装XBMC,那么玩XBOX至少缺了一半的乐趣,甚至毫不夸张的说,XBMC才是很多玩家购买XBOX的真正目的。
Kodi v17 "Krypton" Beta 5 发布了。
Fix playback of HLS streams
Fix skin settings not loading when “reload skin” was triggered
Fix segfault on EOF for video caused by postprocessing
Fix possible crash on Android when other Android apps had missing icons
Change splash screen text once per second to show it’s busy doing database and add-on upgrades instead of just static text.
Fix missing binary add-ons like PVR and controller handling on Windows
Add back seek to time using numeric input on video files
Microsoft has rolled out a fix for users of the Kodi UWP version in combination with AMD videocard that had BSOD. For more information see: Blue screen with error code 0×139