发布于 2016-10-22 23:58:44 | 123 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Lumina 开源桌面环境
PC-BSD项目正从头开始开发一个BSD授权的开源桌面环境 Lumina。Lumina将是基于 Qt工具箱,旨在取代KDE成为PC-BSD默认的桌面环境。现阶段 Lumina被认为尚处于早期alpha状态,但已被PC-BSD的软件包仓库收录,它的目标是成为一个轻量级的、稳定而快速的桌面环境。
Lumina Desktop 1.1.0 发布了,该版本是重要更新,包括全新的以及完全重新编写的utilities,并对底层基础架构进行改进。
The “trueos/lumina-i18n” repository is depreciated in 1.1.0. From this point on, include localization files with the “WITH_I18N” build flag.
The “start-lumina-desktop” utility is the only command needed to begin a desktop session, detecting and starting any necessary services on its own.
Lumina’s method for searching and maintaining the system application list has been drastically reworked, resulting in a much faster and lighter system.
Lumina will now prompt to install or skip any pending system updates at logout time. For the moment, this functionality is only used on TrueOS systems.
Insight file manager has been completely overhauled! Menus have been reworked, “Git” is directly integrated into Insight, and all file operations are now performed in the background, with a system tray icon appearing when needed.
“lumina-textedit” is updated with simpler find/replace options, improved syntax highlighting, and now has file modification or synchronization warnings.
A new desktop utility: “lumina-calculator”. This is a pure Qt5 calculator supporting both simple push-button operations and scientific mathematical equations. The calculator also displays a full history of both calculations and results, with the capability to recall equations.
Numerous bug fixes and efficiency improvements.