发布于 2016-10-19 02:52:27 | 135 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Wireshark 网络协议检测程序
Wireshark 2.2.1 发布了。更新内容:
已修复的 bugs:
Flow Graph colored data arrows. (Bug 12065)
Capture File Properties under Statistics Grayed Out after Stopping a Capture. (Bug 12071)
Qt: Hidden columns displayed during live capture. (Bug 12377)
Unable to save changes to coloring rules. (Bug 12814)
Bad description for NBSS error code 0x81. (Bug 12835)
Live capture from USBPcap fails immediately. (Bug 12846)
Cannot decrypt EAP-TTLS traffic (not recognized as conversation). (Bug 12879)
Export packet dissections Option disabled after capturing traffic. (Bug 12898)
Failure to open file named with Chinese or other multibyte characters. (Bug 12900)
k12 text file format causes errors. (Bug 12903)
File | File Set | List Files dialog is blank. (Bug 12904)
Decoding/Display of an INAP CONNECT message goes wrong for the Destination Routing Address part. (Bug 12911)
TLS padding extension dissector length parsing bug. (Bug 12922)
Diameter dictionary bugs. (Bug 12927)
File open from menu bar with filter in place causes Wireshark to crash. (Bug 12929)
Unable to capture USBPcap trace using tshark with extcap built. (Bug 12949)
P1 dissector fails a TVB assertion. (Bug 12976)
Multiple PortableApps instances can once again be run at the same time.