发布于 2016-10-13 23:48:22 | 228 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
total.js Node.js 的MVC框架
total.js 是个 web 应用框架,使用 JavaScript,HTML,CSS 和 Node.js(MVC) web 应用框架来构建 web 网站和 web 应用。
total.js 2.1.0 发布了。
added: F.sitemap_add(string)
for adding entries to sitemap by Martin Smola https://github.com/molda
added: SchemaBuilderEntity schema.addHook(name, fn(error, model, options, callback))
added: SchemaBuilderEntity schema.hook(name, model, [helper], callback)
added: controller.$hook(name, [helper], callback)
added: String.parseInt2()
the method searchs number and converts it to integer
added: String.parseFloat2()
the method searchs number and converts it to float
updated: framework.view()
, controller.view()
and @{view()}
supports =theme/viewname
updated: sitemap routing supports localization
updated: F.cache.fn(name, fnCache, fnCallback(value, isFromCache))
- added argument isFromCache
updated: F.use(name, url, types, [first])
- first
(default: false
) argument adds a new middleware to the beginning of a route middleware
updated: String.toSearch()
- removes duplicates characters + better performance
updated: String.decode()
- improves decoding by Tom Spaccialbelli https://github.com/harry-stot
fixed: (critical) NoSQL views
fixed: (critical) view compilation in release mode (problem with just-in-time rendering)
fixed: (critical) F.eval()
fixed: (critical) parsing Date instance as Date instance in SchemaBuilder
fixed: F.resize()
additional path ~
fixed: controller.memorize()
threw a timeout when the action contains some error in the memorize scope