发布于 2016-10-13 00:31:41 | 186 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SonarQube JavaScript 2.17 发布了。
The output of functions that don’t return anything should not be used (Bug)
Here is an example of a real life issue found by this bug detection rule
Bug 修复
[SONARJS-778] - Incorrect Parsing: object and array binding pattern in assignment lhs
[SONARJS-730] - Extend the list of valid types for "typeof" expression
[SONARJS-731] - Symbolic execution: false positive in array/object assignment pattern
[SONARJS-732] - Symbolic Execution: compound condition symbolic value
[SONARJS-738] - Improve EqEqEq: ignore comparisons with operands of same type
[SONARJS-776] - Remove expression from issue message for ParenthesesCheck
[SONARJS-779] - Improve message for TooManyArguments
[SONARJS-784] - Symbolic execution: track variables created with array/object binding pattern
[SONARJS-786] - Extend rule DuplicatePropertyName: support classes