发布于 2016-10-08 00:59:43 | 145 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
collectd 系统监控和统计工具
collectd是一个守护(daemon)进程,用来收集系统性能和提供各种存储方式来存储不同值的机制。比如以RRD 文件形式。
collectd 5.6.1 发布了。
Build system: Unnecessary linking of the Write Graphite plugin with libyajl has been removed. Thanks to Marc Fournier. Debian#839771, #1976
collectd: A bug in the FlushInterval
option that caused a segmentation fault in the Write HTTP plugin has been fixed. Thanks to Florian Forster. #1954