发布于 2016-10-01 02:23:31 | 143 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
astah UML建模工具
随着UML的扩大,UML建模工具也越来越庞大。不过,许多功能并不是用户所寻求的。因此,Astah Professional(原名JUDE) 听取用户心声,根据用户需要打造,按照使用习惯设计,轻便简单,友好易用,用户可以轻松使用它来高速建模,极大的提高了效率。
建模工具 Astah 7.1 发布了。相关更新内容如下:
- [3402] Improvement on Font-setting dialogue
- [6105] New Map View
- [6121] Now you can add Mini icons while opening any diagrams other than Mind Map
- [6488] Simplified [License Management] window.
- [6509] No more default [java] package when creating a new project.
- [6663] Now color setting through RGB is available and also make it transparent.
- [6622] Converting between Class/Interface is now available from context menu
- [6494] Now you are available to create Template Parameter using API with null as its type.
- [6704] Now you can show the following model namaes in multiple lines.
Statemachine Diagram--Transition, Internal Transition
Activity Diagram -- Control Flow, Object Flow
- [5521] Now you can select a private operation of Parent Class's to a message.
- [0860] Now Nested NodeInstances are available.
- [6532] Now you can search closed Mind Map topics when you search on diagrams.
- [6233] When converting Classes to ER Entities, all the stereotypes in lowercase are now convertiable.
- [6552] You can now modify ER Domain with API.
- [6555] Entity Definition Report is exportable now without Entities in the project.
- [6556] When importing ER models using Excel to ER Plug-in, it keeps domain's parent information.
- [6557] When importing ER models using Excel to ER Plug-in, it overwrites if same named domain already exists in the project.
- [6561] length/precision, NN, Alias are now importable.
- [6362] When expoting SQL, ER Entity's Index's unique key is no longer replaced with upper cases anymore..
- [6585] [Formula] checkbox is now added for Attribute's Default Value.
- [6623] When drag and drop domain elements into an er entity, the definition is copied to the entity.
- [6005] [Select all] does not include diagram frame.
- [6256] The height of text field in the [Stereotype] tab in the property view isn't high enough and cuts out the text sometimes.
- [6577] Unable to delete Association End Name from Property View.
- [6644] Astah windows does not remember the full sized screen mode.
- [6655] An issue binding/releasing the Required Interface and Provided Interface.
- [6657] Undo does not function after deleting interface stereotype.
- [6668] Choosing Font by scrolling with up/down key sets the font type incorrectly.
- [6664] You cannot add hyperlink to unnamed models.
- [6698] No response when clicking [Add] button on Mini Icon list when any diagram is open other than Mind Map.
- [6565] When exporting a diagram into EMF format image files, it may have blank space around the diagram as it includes frame even though it is hidden on the diagram editor.
- [5649] An exception error occurs when deleting Operand after setting as loop to CombinedFragment with more than 3 Operands.
- [6472] Default message name gets restored when opening a file which you had Create/Destory message name left blank.
- [6576] Following two items are missing in the System Properties:
Message Return Various
Message Return Type
- [6671] When copying and pasting a statemachine diagram with multiple InitialPseudostates gives an alert.
- [6370] Incorrect error message appears when "a link between topics" is invalid.
- [6372] [Set Mindmap Style] dialog shows incorrect font information.
- [6683] It throws a Null or ClassCast error when controling the expansion of Mindmap topics from Topic's property on the Mind Map created by using API.
- [6626] Disk image corrups after changing it to MicrosoftObject on PowerPoint after pasting it in EMF format.
- [6425] Default name of Anchor is not appropriate.
- [6617] It is unable to edit Length/Precision from Entity's [Attribute] tab sometimes.
- [6333] Switching a Child Key with API, it is unable to get the information of primary key related to where IERAttribute depends on.
- [6533] When exporting CRUD to Excel using [Export CRUD Stastics to Excel], a large sized table cannot be shown propertly.
- [5675] [Import Java] imports Interface with a field variable on its visibility as package.
- [6491] [Import Java] failed to import Template Parameter.
- [6493] Working on projects with [Reference Model Management], derivation of classes cannot be made when its operation is used in messages between lifelines.
- [6597] It outputs inapporate size when printing diagrams on Retina.
- [6690] Configuration of Papersize/layout does not work sometimes.
- [6692] You cannot paste with [Cmd +V] shortcut keys of any images that were copied in other applications.