发布于 2016-09-30 00:31:33 | 99 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Nmap 网络安全审计工具
nmap是一个网络连接端扫描软件,用来扫描网上电脑开放的网络连接端。确定哪服务运行在那些连接端,并且推断哪个操作系统计算机运行(这是亦称 fingerprinting)。它是网络管理员必用的软件之一,以及用以评估网络系统保安。
Nmap 7.30 发布了。
Integrated all 12 of your IPv6 OS fingerprint submissions from June to September. No new groups, but several classifications were strengthened, especially Windows localhost and OS X. [Daniel Miller]
[NSE] Added 7 NSE scripts, from 3 authors, bringing the total up to 541! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below (authors are listed in brackets)...
[GH#369] coap-resources grabs the list of available resources from CoAP endpoints. [Mak Kolybabi]