发布于 2016-09-25 01:00:43 | 102 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


PureScript 静态类型语言

PureScript 是个小巧而强大的静态类型语言,可以编译成 JavaScript。purescript 主要是由 Haskell 和 PureScript 编写的。

v0.10.0-rc.1 更新内容如下:


The new functional dependencies feature fixes type inference in some cases involving multi-parameter type classes. However, due to a bug in the compiler, some of those expressions were previously type checking where they should not have. As a result, it is necessary to add functional dependencies to some classes in order to make previous code type-check in some cases. Known examples are:

  • MonadEff and MonadAff

  • MonadStateMonadReader, and the rest of the MTL-style classes in transformers

These libraries will be updated before the final release of 0.10.*, but you might experience some issues in the meantime.


Data.Newtype Deriving

It is now possible to derive the Newtype class for any data declaration which is a newtype, using the existing deriving instance syntax:

newtype Test = Test String

derive instance newtypeTest :: Newtype Test _

Note that the second type argument should be specified as a wildcard, and will be inferred.



历史版本 :
PureScript 0.11.6 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.4 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.3 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.2 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.1 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.0 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.0-rc.1 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.7 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.6 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.5 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.4 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.3 发布,静态类型语言
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