发布于 2016-09-23 00:26:02 | 162 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SonarQube COBOL 3.2 发布了。
Bug 修复:
[COBOL-1320] - PerformThruProcedureNamingConvention: remove default for prefix
[COBOL-1326] - A failure on a file should not cause unexpected behaviors in subsequent files
[COBOL-1331] - Parse error on floating-point literal without any digit after the decimal point
[COBOL-1334] - NOSONAR should prevent issues from being raised
[COBOL-1335] - NoSonarCheck should raise issues when a comment contains "NOSONAR"
[COBOL-1339] - Support "ZEROS" and "ZEROES" in sign condition
[COBOL-1340] - Support lower case as prefix for literals
[COBOL-1341] - Analysis should not fail when the definition of a SQL view cannot be parsed
[COBOL-1343] - False positive in rules on conditions with PERFORM
[COBOL-1348] - False Positive CursorDeclaredInsideProcedureDivisionCheck with nested program
[COBOL-1351] - XML GENERATE...WITH ENCODING should accept a number
[COBOL-1207] - Update rules from RSPEC
[COBOL-1337] - Drop the deprecated template check based on XPath
[COBOL-1338] - Rename rule repository to 'SonarAnalyzer'
[COBOL-1345] - Support DB2 binary and XML host variables