发布于 2016-09-22 00:48:21 | 133 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Homebrew Mac OS X下面的包管理器
Homebrew 是一个Mac OS X下面的包管理器,用来在 Mac OS X 安装 Linux 工具包是最简单和灵活的方式。
Homebrew 1.0.0 发布了,在建立7年之后终于发布1.0.0版,目前有6000个独立贡献者,几千个包和广泛的第三方“tap”生态系统。更新内容如下:
Homebrew package management and formulae (package metadata) split into separate repositories
Homebrew CI and homebrew/core use the OS X sandbox for build-time security
Add new brew bump-formula-pr
command to create new formula version pull requests
Officially support brew bundle
(for Brewfile
s and import/export) and brew services
(for background services management).
Homebrew/brew passes tests on Linux and has generic backend for porting to other platforms in future
Provide access to developer commands and brew update
workflow automatically
Use new Ruby Macho library for reading and writing library macOS Mach O file locations.
Provide vendored, portable Ruby 2 binary for when system Ruby 2 is not available
package installations have versions and can be upgraded
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Fix an edge case when updating between tags: #1060