发布于 2016-08-23 01:30:03 | 120 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SmartSynchronize 文件和目录比较工具
SmartSynchronize 是一款文件和目录的比较对比工具,可以帮助你对比两个文件或者两个文件夹的不同之处!程序采用JAVA设计,兼容性好,自带JAVA运行平台,保证任何环境都可正常运行。
SmartSynchronize 3.4.7 发布了,更新如下:
File compare, merge:
smart tab: if multiple lines are selected, pressing tab indents (inserts leading tab characters) and shift-tab unindents (removes leading tab/space characters)
improved detection of inner-line changes
File completion:
entering an upper-case character preselects the upper-case file/directory
ESC closes popup, clicking ESC again in dialog will close the dialog
Fixed Bugs
File compare, merge:
Apply Lines might add instead of replace lines
undoing changes out of view did not scroll to undone change
deb-bundle: had wrong dependencies
Windows bundle: upgrading to new build kept InnoSetup uninstall files in old directory
OS X: clicking dock icon put window to front even if application modal dialogs like preferences or about were shown tree controls: internal error expanding parent node of single-child nodes (that automatically expand)
table controls: double-click action was triggered by all kinds of double-
mouse-clicks, not just be left-double-clicks