发布于 2016-08-17 07:25:03 | 188 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
radare2 逆向工程平台
radare2 0.10.5 发布了,
dmh to show memory heap
Implement pxd8 to show data in st64
Add $Fb and $Fs to handle basicblock address and size
q[y/n][y/n] options added
Fix #5524 - Add 'F' and '_' in graph
Add bit level visual editor
Fix #5447 - Implement aO command
add io command !=mod to list system modules
Fix #4841 - Restricted r2 shell thing
Fix dmp command for OSX and make it work with 1 parm instead of 3
Fix dmi on OSX and minor cydia tweak
Fixes #5389 - Add aflqj
Fix #5427 - ao[n] shows same bytes on all instructions