发布于 2016-08-16 00:20:02 | 155 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
sysstat Linux系统管理工具包
Sysstat 11.4.0 和 11.2.6 发布了,
Sysstat 11.4.0 更新内容:
* sar: Workaround for I/O and transfer rates statistics which may be wrongly calculated if a filesystem is unmounted [11.2.6].
* SVG: Fix how bar graphs are displayed for filesystems statistics in order to not loose the first sample.
* SVG: Change graphs order to be consistent with the output of sar.
* SVG: Change some graphs's title.
* Replace strcpy() with strncpy() to avoid buffer overflows [11.2.6].
* Fixed unsigned compared against 0 problem (CID#127473) [11.2.6].
* NLS updated.
Sysstat 11.2.6 更新内容:
lsm and spec files updated.
Changelog added.