发布于 2016-08-02 00:19:12 | 87 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
PureScript 静态类型语言
PureScript 是个小巧而强大的静态类型语言,可以编译成 JavaScript。purescript 主要是由 Haskell 和 PureScript 编写的。
PureScript v0.9.3 发布了,更新如下:
Better context information for typed hole errors
Improved error messages in the constraint solver. Type class errors now include better contextual information, including smaller source spans.
Decode externs with correct encoding
Fix bad codegen for empty string fields ( #2244)
Instantiate types in array literals before unification ( #2252)
Upgrade to protolude 0.1.6
Use latest LTS ( #2241)
Add upper bound to http-client ( #2237)
Combine the sdist and coverage builds. Avoid .tix files during deployment.