发布于 2016-07-28 00:30:01 | 43 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Open Climate Workbench 候模型仿真软件
Apache Open Climate Workbench 是一个用来执行气候模型仿真的开源软件。使用各种模型数据输出源,包括: Earth System Grid Federation, Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment, U.S. National Climate Assessment 和 North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program
。空间和时间缩放的遥感数据来自于 NASA, NOAA 和其他代理机构。该工具包包含矩阵操作和可视化展示。
Apache Open Climate Workbench 1.1.0 发布了,
[CLIMATE-246] - Develop PoweredBy Logo for OCW
[CLIMATE-367] - Add more 'new contributor' information
[CLIMATE-677] - Homebrew Formula for OCW
[CLIMATE-683] - A new loader to read multiple netCDF files with a file list and spatial mask
[CLIMATE-687] - A new loader to read GPM precipitation data with a file list
[CLIMATE-692] - A new loader to read NLDAS data with a file list
[CLIMATE-694] - A new module to rebin a dataset using time index
[CLIMATE-696] - Examples to evaluate CORDEX-ARCTIC RCMs
[CLIMATE-715] - Adding a new demo tab along with the evaluate and result so that user can see the demo of the ocw in this tab.
[CLIMATE-732] - Update dataset_processor.temporal_rebin
[CLIMATE-733] - Update run_RCMES.py
[CLIMATE-747] - Adding configuration files as an example of NASA's downscaling project
[CLIMATE-829] - Add conda package recipes