发布于 2016-07-20 00:51:29 | 206 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Korora Linux 发行版
Korora 是一个适合新手使用的 Linux 发行版,主要目的是提供一个完整、易用的通用计算机系统。2005 年刚发布时基于 Gentoo Linux,后来在 2010 年时重新更改基于 Fedora Remix 系统并进行了调整。
Korora 24 发布了,
This new release of Cinnamon includes lots of refinements. Refer to the Cinnamon Release Announcement for more details.
GNOME 3.20 also has improved support for the Wayland compositor. Refer to the GNOME Release Announcement for more details.
This release mainly focused on bug fixes and improving support for GTK3.20. Refer to the Mate Release announcement for more details.
This release mainly focused on polishing the desktop and improving the user experience in various ways. Refer to the Xfce Tour for more details.