发布于 2016-07-14 05:48:29 | 173 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的CKEditor 4 开发人员指南,程序狗速度看过来!
CKEditor 即 FCKEDITOR 。FCKeditor是目前最优秀的可见即可得网页编辑器之一,它采用JavaScript编写。具备功能强大、配置容易、跨浏览器、支持多种编程语言、开源等特点。它非常流行,互联网上很容易找到相关技术文档,国内许多WEB项目和大型网站均采用了FCKeditor。
CKEditor 4.5.10 发布了,该版本主要是 bug 的修复,详细列表如下:
#10750: Fixed: The editor does not escape the font-style
family property correctly, removing quotes and whitespace from font names.
#14413: Fixed: The Auto Grow plugin with the config.autoGrow_onStartup
option set to true
does not work properly for an editor that is not visible.
#14451: Fixed: Numeric element ID not escaped properly. Thanks to Jakub Chalupa!
#14590: Fixed: Additional line break appearing after inline elements when switching modes. Thanks todpidcock!
#14539: Fixed: JAWS reads "selected Blank" instead of "selected " when selecting a widget.
#14701: Fixed: More precise labels for Enhanced Image and Placeholder widgets.
#14667: [IE] Fixed: Removing background color from selected text removes background color from the whole paragraph.
#14252: [IE] Fixed: Styles drop-down list does not always reflect the current style of the text line.
#14275: [IE9+] Fixed: onerror
and onload
events are not used in browsers it could have been used when loading scripts dynamically.