发布于 2016-07-12 00:32:43 | 187 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

这里有新鲜出炉的YII 2.0教程,程序狗速度看过来!


Yii Framework是一个基于组件、用于开发大型 Web 应用的高性能 PHP 框架。Yii提供了今日Web 2.0应用开发所需要的几乎一切功能。Yii是最有效率的PHP框架之一。Yii是创始人薛强的心血结晶,于2008年1月1日开始开发。

Yii 2.0.9 发布了,


  • Message translation performance was increased for database backend by examining queries and adding proper indexes.

  • Oracle database schema was improved to be read faster.


  • Enh #10422: Added null method on yiidbColumnSchemaBuilder to explicitly set column nullability (nevermnd)

  • Enh #11168: yiihelpersBaseHtml now uses abstracted booleanInput() and activeBooleanInput() methods to render radio(), checkbox(), activeRadio() and activeCheckbox() (cesarnicola)

  • Enh #11195: Added ability to append custom string to schema builder column definition (df2, samdark)

  • Enh #11212: Added headers to PO file in yiii18nGettextPoFile::save() (stevekr)

  • Enh #11414: Files specified as null in yiiwebAssetBundle won't be registered (Razzwan)

  • Enh #11428: Speedup SQL query in yiidbociSchema::findColumns() (SSiwek)

  • Enh #11432: Added HTTP status 421 "Misdirected Request" to list of statuses in yiiwebResponse (dasmfm)

  • Enh #11438: Configurable yiihelpersMarkdown default flavor (mdmunir)

  • Enh #11462: Added support of filtering rules to yiilogTarget::$logVar (HaruAtari)

  • Enh #11462: Added yiihelpersBaseArrayHelper::filter() method (HaruAtari)

  • Enh #11484: Speed up yiidbociSchema::loadTableSchema() for Oracle DBMS (SSiwek)

  • Enh #11490: Added yiidataArrayDataProvider::$modelClass property to specify a model used to provide column labels even when data array is empty (PowerGamer1)

  • Enh #11591: Added support for wildcards for only and except at yiibaseActionFilter (klimov-paul)

  • Enh #11679: Extracted CheckAccessInterface from ManagerInterface (SamMousa, samdark, mdomba)

  • Enh #11725: Added indexes on message tables (OndrejVasicek)

  • Enh #11729: Added yiigridCheckboxColumn::$cssClass property to specify a class added to checkbox input (thiagotalma)

  • Enh #11808: _table and _column suffixes are now required when generating migration (rob006)

  • Enh #11850: Introduced yiiwidgetsPjax::$submitEvent to be able to customize event triggering PJAX form submit (Bvanleeuwen)

  • Enh #11857: yiifiltersAccessRule::$verbs can now be configured in upper and lowercase (DrDeath72, samdark)

  • Chg #11364: Updated jQuery dependency to include versions 1.12.* (cebe)

  • Chg #11683: Fixed fixture command to work with short syntax. yii fixture "*, -User" should be used instead of yii fixture "*" -User (Faryshta, samdark)


历史版本 :
Yii 2.0.11 发布,高性能 PHP 框架
Yii 2.0.10 发布,高性能 PHP 框架
Yii 2.0.9 发布,高性能 PHP 框架
Yii 2.0.6 发布,PHP 开发框架
Yii 2.0.6 发布,更好的迁移语法
Yii 2.0.5 发布,安全修复版本!
Yii 2.0.4 现已提供下载
Yii 2.0.3 发布,改进 Crypto 库
Yii 2.0.2 发布,高性能PHP框架
Yii 1.1.16 发布
Yii 2.0.1 发布,PHP 开发框架
Yii 2.0 正式版发布,完全重写的版本!
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