发布于 2016-07-09 00:48:14 | 155 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Semantic UI开源前端框架
Semantic UI是一个免费开源的前端开发框架.Semantic UI拥有支持情态动词、手风琴元素、元素调光器、3D转换,甚至是评级等多种功能。
Semantic UI 2.2.2 发布了,
Shape - Fixed issue where shape was animating incorrectly when using jQuery 3.0, due to secret changes in how width
are calculated on elements with transform
Dropdown - Fixed "pointer" cursor appearing in hitbox above search input in search selection
, now all input area will appear with "text" input cursor
Dimmer/Modal - Fixed a bug which could cause a modal's dimmer to not obey inverted: true
or blurring: true
when initializing modals with then afterwards without either setting.