发布于 2016-07-06 00:20:12 | 90 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Onyx 分布式计算系统
Onyx 是一个无中心、支持云、容错的分布式计算系统,使用 Clojure 编写,支持批处理和流处理混合,提供信息模型用于描述和构建分布式工作流,竞争对手: Storm, Cascading, Map/Reduce, Dryad, Apache Sqoop, Twitter Crane 等等
Onyx 0.9.7 正式发布了,
Bug fix: Fixed suppressed exceptions on with-test-env
start up sequence.
Bug fix: Fixed schema merging for task bundles.
Bug fix: Suppress Aeron MediaDriver NoSuchFileException when Aeron cleans up the directory before we do.
Bug fix: Fixed ZooKeeper thread leak bug. #600
Bug fix: Fixed logging statement echoing the number of processed segments.
Bug fix: Only allow peer to write one exhausted input log entry per task. #493
Bug fix: Fixed bug in percentage scheduler that failed to use all available peers due to a rounding error.
Documentation fix: Fixed lifecycles exception description.
Documentation fix: Fixed trigger predicate signature description. #586
Documentation: Added more content to the FAQ section.
Dependency change: Upgraded org.btrplace/scheduler-api
to 0.46
Dependency change: Upgraded org.btrplace/scheduler-choco
to 0.46
Dependency change: Excluded ClojureScript from clj-fuzzy dependencies.
Design change: Implemented peer-group ZooKeeper connection sharing. This reduces the number of ZooKeeper connections required per machine, and improves scheduler performance.
Enhancement: Tasks now time out when being stopped, allowing a peer to be rescheduled in cases where the task is stuck. This is configured via the peer-config :onyx.peer/stop-task-timeout-ms
Enhancement: A message is now emitted to the logs when a job is submitted, but does not start because of the scheduler gave it no peers.