发布于 2016-07-04 23:51:36 | 263 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
okhttp HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
okhttp 是一个 Java 的 HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包,同时也支持 Android。
okhttp 3.4.0 RC1 发布了,更新如下:
改写了 HttpURLConnection 和 HttpsURLConnection.
Cipher suites 现在可能有任意的名称。
Fix: CertificatePinner
now matches canonicalized hostnames.
Fix: Don’t crash on non-ASCII ETag
headers. Previously OkHttp would reject these headers when validating a cached response.
Fix: Don’t allow remote peer to arbitrarily size the HPACK decoder dynamic table.
Fix: Honor per-host configuration in Android’s network security config. Previously disabling cleartext for any host would disable cleartext for all hosts. Note that this setting is only available on Android 24+.
New: HPACK compression is now dynamic. This should improve performance when transmitting request headers over HTTP/2.
New: Dispatcher.setIdleCallback()
can be used to signal when there are no calls in flight. This is useful for testing with Espresso.
New: Upgrade to Okio 1.9.0.