发布于 2016-07-03 23:58:24 | 241 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
OmniFaces JSF2 工具库
OmniFaces 是一个 JSF 2 的工具库,其目的是为了让 JSF 应用开发更加简单。
OmniFaces 2.4 在2016年7月1日正式发布了。
0b190e4 - Components#getCurrentActionSource/ActionExpressionsAndListeners() which should ease a.o. logging JSF ajax actions
#113 - <o:url> which fills the gap caused by absence of JSTL<c:url>in Facelets
#258 - FullAjaxExceptionHandler got newlogExceptionoverride which allows determining the log reason
#257 - of:reverseArray() to reverse an array
ebd78a7 - f773bb6 - Scripts generated by <o:deferredScript> and CombinedResourceHandler have now by default a crossorigin="anonymous" attribute which basically enables logging via window.onerror in case script is served via CDN
#250 - Issue 98 of OmniFaces 2.1 was rolled back as it caused <o:importConstants> to not run anymore during postback, and the original problem appears to be fixed in newer Mojarra versions
#251 - of:formatThousandsUnit() now also supports cutting down fractions of values lower than thousand
#223 - #266 - @Param now also supports injecting primitives and multi-valued parameters declared as typedListor array likeList<String>,List<Foo>,String[]andint[]
e0d8e0d - 56b03cd - 0e629e - FacesViews and Faces#getRequestXxx() is now also compatible with existing URL rewrite filters running in front of it (which under the covers performs aforward())
#243 - OmniFaces does not anymore require/META-INF/context.xmlwhen running on Tomcat+Weld
#228 - <o:tree> failed state saving when being dynamically created
#236 - @Param didn't properly triggerFacesContext#isValidationFailed()whenrequired="true"is not satisfied
#237 - Faces#sendFile() and FileServlet incorrectly encoded spaces in filename as+instead of%20
#238 - JsfLabelMessageInterpolator was missing the 2-argument overloaded method
b149204 - Bypass possible Google Chrome bug when FileServlet is used with Gzip enabled
#227 - #240 - <o:validateBean> failed in composite component inputs and also with dynamic properties in ui:repeat
#234 - <o:socket> caused exceptions in Tomcat when code sends too many messages in short time
0f554c0 - FacesConfigXml#getSupportedLocales() failed to parselanguage_COUNTRYlocales
#248 - #111 - FullAjaxExceptionHandler failed to handle exceptions during render response phase in two Mojarra-related corner cases
#252 - of:formatThousandsUnit() incorrectly trimmed trailing zeroes from non-fractional integer numbers
#245 - #259 - #199 - @ViewScoped destroyed too soon when<p:commandLink ajax="false">was used, and unload submitted to the wrong URL when a forward navigation was used
#264 - ListIndexConverter threwNumberFormatExceptioninstead of conversion error when empty input was submitted
273 - CombinedResourceHandler failed in PrimeFaces 6.0 when a component requiring a new resource is dynamically created during an ajax request (instead of just conditionally rendered)