发布于 2016-07-02 00:52:59 | 120 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Sentry
Apache Sentry 是一个加强的细粒度的基于角色的授权系统,针对存储在 Hadoop 集群中的数据和元数据。
Sentry 8.6.0 发布了,本次发布改进日志如下:
The message
attribute on Event/Group is now purely used for search storage.
The sentry.interfaces.Message
interface now contains a formatted
now defaults to an empty list.
Issues now render based on the type of data present, which are represented by the type and metadata attributes in API responses.
Stacktrace rendering has been greatly simplified and unified across languages.
Client's may now pass the 'contexts' attribute, which will eventually supercede 'extra'.
Various named contexts are now automatically generated and summarized for Cocoa and JavaScript issues.
Added JSON formatting for logs with system.logging-format
Added a loglevel
command line flag to most commands.
Added two factor authentication support.
Added support for setting IP address of an event automatically on event submission for all platforms.
Added unsubscribe links to mails.
Added email verification.
Added ability to link/unlink Issues, support is dependent on plugins.
Can now toggle between minified/original code in stacktraces where sourcemaps were applied.
Can now upload release artifacts with tilde prefix (~) to omit protocol + host in URL lookups.
Added User.is_password_expired
Added User.last_password_change
Added UserEmail
Added unique index on GroupTagValue(group_id, key, value)
Remove unique index on GroupTagValue(project_id, group_id, key, value)
Added index on GroupTagValue(project_id, key, value)
Added GroupSubscription