发布于 2016-06-30 00:21:08 | 157 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Elixir 函数式编程语言
Elixir 是一种函数式编程语言,建立在Erlang虚拟机之上。它是一种动态语言,灵活的语法与宏支持,利用Erlang的能力来构建并发、分布式、容错应用程序与热代码升级。
Elixir 1.3.1 发布了,
[IEx.Helpers] Add import_file_if_available
for importing files only if they are available
[IEx.Helpers] Add import_if_available
for importing modules only if they are available
[Kernel] Ensure structs can be expanded in dynamic module names
[Kernel] Ensure aliases warnings are not accidentally discarded when the same module is imported
[Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Ensure two modules with cyclic struct dependencies cannot run into a deadlock when compiling
[Kernel.Typespec] Support module attributes in remote types
[Module] Do not expect stacktraces to be always present when dispatching to locals during the module compilation
[IEx.Helpers] Fix h
helper for operators
[Mix] Do not load modules for xref purposes, instead use BEAM info
[Mix] Ensure deps.check
does not check archives (that's done in loadpaths)
[Mix] Validate application properties before traversing them
[Mix] Check for proper Makefile when compiling on Windows
[Mix] Enforce space after comma in mix do