发布于 2016-06-24 01:03:24 | 249 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



Magento (麦进斗) 是一套专业开源的电子商务系统。Magento设计得非常灵活,具有模块化架构体系和丰富的功能。易于与第三方应用系统无缝集成。其面向企业级应用,可处理各方面的需求,以及建设一个多种用途和适用面的电子商务网站。

Magento 2.1 发布了,改进日志如下:


  • PayPal enhancements include PayPal in-context checkout and saved credit cards. In-context checkout helps to increase conversion rates 69 bps by allowing shoppers to pay with PayPal without leaving the merchant’s site. PayPal saved credit cards boost repeat purchases by allowing merchants to securely store credit card information with PayPal so customers do not need to re-enter it in checkout or when reordering items from the Admin interface.

  • Braintree Hosted Fields securely collect all sensitive payment information in checkout so merchants can qualify for the simplest set of PCI compliance requirements. Merchants retain complete control over their checkout style and layout because Braintree gathers credit card data using small, transparent iframes that replace individual payment fields. Braintree settlement reports are now also conveniently available within the Magento Admin.

  • Improved management interfaces make it faster and easier to search for information in the Admin, set up global search synonyms, and create new product, category, and CMS content.

Bugs 修复

  • System upgrades now ignore the contents of the Magento var/session directory.

  • You don’t need to have a composer.json to run Magento CLI commands.

  • Addressed an issue that causes the following error on the Magento storefront when optional sample data is installed: “We’re sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email”.

  • Upgrading the Magento system software now correctly updates the product version.

  • Improved performance of installations and upgrades by compressing packages on repo.magento.com



历史版本 :
Magento 2.1 发布,开源网店系统
Magento 2.0.0 发布,开源网店系统
magento 中文版下载 原生态中文版
Magmi 0.7.19 发布,Magento 的导入工具
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