发布于 2016-06-21 00:20:04 | 180 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Emmabuntüs 桌面Linux发行
Emmabuntüs是一份基于Xubuntu的 桌面Linux发行。它致力于新手友好且对资源的要求足够轻量级,从而能够在老旧计算机上使用。它还包含 了很多现代化的特性,比如大量预配置的日用程序,启动应用软件而设的桌面托盘,易于安装非自由软件和多媒体编码解码器,以及通过自动化脚本的快速配置。该 发行支持英语、法语、西班牙语。
Emmabuntus 1.00 "Debian" 发布,主要更新如下:
Distribution based on Debian 8.5
Addition of Libre and Non-Libre packets to support WIFI connections in Live mode
Addition of icons package Revival Icon Theme
Addition of HandySoft as new software center
Addition of HandyUpdateChecker as software update manager
Addition of HandyTri to sort out the files (documents, images etc …) for example in the Download folder
Addition of the MintLocal utility to handle the language installations
Addition of Scratch
Replacement of Gramps by Ancestris
Replacement of Arista by Transmageddon
Replacement of Iceweasel by Firefox-ESR
Addition of driver installation script of the Brother printers
Addition of script for screen saver image selection
Addition of the non-libre TurboPrint utility for printers support
Fix of the non-functioning Catfish by adding the mlocate packet
Fix of icon display problem within the Cairo-Dock application menu
Fix the Whisker menu setting bug during the post-install
Fix an abnormal stop delay after the TeamViewer install
Fix the "segmentation fault" bug when running FreeTuxTV
Fix the Pinta bug at crop level, by upgrading to version 1.6
Fix installation Pepper Flash plugin for Chromium
Upgrade of the HPLip script to version 3.16.5
详情请看发行说明,Download: emmabuntus-de-i386-jessie-1.00.iso (3,724MB, MD5,pkglist).