发布于 2016-06-15 08:50:35 | 137 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Microserver Java 微服务框架
Microserver 是一个零配置、基于标准的身经百战的库,用来运行 Java REST 微服务,通过 Java 标准 main 类执行。从 2014 年开始就一直在 AOL 生产环境中使用。
Microserver 0.85.1 发布了,
0.85.1 upgrades a lot of the core dependencies in Microserver (see list below).
Primary functional enhancements are to the FilterConfiguration and ServletConfiguration interfaces. These are the recommended way to create Filters and Servlets, as they will work across both plain ol' Spring and Spring Boot based Microservices. The interfaces have been enhanced so that either a Filter Object / Filter Class can be returned (and Servlet Object or Servlet Class).
Curator version has been increased and a race condition bug fixed.
hibernate to 5.10.Final
hibernateValidator to 5.2.4.Final
spring Data JPA to 1.10.1.RELEASE
hikariCP to 2.4.6
curator to 3.1.0
tomcat to 9.0.0.M6