发布于 2016-06-11 00:21:49 | 499 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Adobe Brackets 前端 WEB 集成开发环境
Adobe Brackets是Adobe Systems开发的一个以HTML、CSS及JavaScript编写的HTML编辑器。在MIT许可证下的免费软件,并于GitHub上维护。虽然1.0版本尚未公布,但大约一个月都会有两次预览版本更新发布。现可供三个平台下载使用,包括在Microsoft Windows、Mac OS X及Linux。
Brackets 1.7 正式发布了,
CEF shell upgrade to 2623 by nethip : Brackets app shell is now upgraded to CEF 2623. This issue with mouse scroll being too fast on Windows is now fixed with the CEF upgrade.
Recent Files Navigation dialog by swmitra : The new Recent Files navigation dialog shows a history of all opened files, allowing one to switch to a file visually. The new dialog also tracks opened files that are not in the working set.
64 bit on MAC by nethip : Brackets on MAC is now 64 bit!