发布于 2016-06-06 00:55:26 | 149 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
WinRAR 压缩文件管理工具
WinRAR 是一款功能强大的压缩包管理器,它是档案工具RAR 在 Windows 环境下的图形界面。该软件可用于备份数据,缩减电子邮件附件的大小,解压缩从 Internet 上下载的 RAR、ZIP及其它类型文件,并且可以新建 RAR 及 ZIP 格式等的压缩类文件。
Version 5.40 beta 2
Switch -scul can be used to process big endian UTF-16 list files,provided that they have the correct byte order mark.Previously it supported only little endian file lists.
5.40 beta 1 did not work on CPU without SSE2 instruction set.
It could take excessively long time to cancel WinRAR "Repair"command on some corrupt archives.
If "Generate archive name by mask" option was used and archive was created in a system protected folder requiring privileges elevation, mask was added to archive name twice.